Eating Disorder Resources

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it does contain some good resources to get you started! If you’re looking for more help or one-on-one nutrition consultations to help you heal from your eating disorder, please reach out to Marisa Michael at

She Sends Collective: Created as a safe space for womxn/women climbers by pro climber Chelsea Rude.

Thicc Climbing: Instagram feed and merchandise to support climbers in bigger bodies.

The Body Positive

National Eating Disorder Association

Eating Recovery Center

McCallum Place (Recovery center specifically for athletes)

Academy for Eating Disorders

This article lists signs and symptoms of various types of eating disorders, as well as several resources.


Body Kindness, by Rebecca Scritchfield

Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole

Health at Every Size, by Lindo Bacon

Running in Silence, by Rachael Steil